Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Hammer time!

Well, I was really proud of myself. I went out to the garage after work, and again after my soccer game and some tasty Wendy's.

I wired the fuel pump and relay up. I fitted the fuel pressure gauge from the Buick onto the TPI rail so I could set the fuel pressure. I got the torque convertor lockup mechanism hooked back up, AND I hung the gas tank and put about a gallon into it (just what was in the lawnmower can).

Sensing near victory, I decided to run the fuel pump to pressurize the fuel system and see what I had.

What I had was a mess. One of the injectors is leaking, and the pressure regulator appears to be rubbish. As soon as the pump managed to suck some fuel out of the tank and actually pressurize the rail, the pressure shot up way past 60psi. Not what was supposed to happen.

Thankfully, I have a new regulator on the way. My air filter shipped from Amazon today. I'm going to have to pull the plenum off and pull the rail to replace the O-rings on that leaky injector, but that's not a horribly time-consuming job... I hope. Bonus is the regulator kit comes with a new set of upper plenum gaskets.

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