Friday, September 08, 2006

No pictures today...

...but I did get some work done. After a layoff of three days due to a minor surgery on my neck, I ventured out tonight.

I replaced all the belts and remounted all the accessories. I found the cause of a rather nasty belt squeal: the lower coolant hose's clamp was rotated around in such a way that the belt was rubbing on it. Whoever put that hose on wasn't thinking too clearly.

All the bellhousing bolts are in and tight. The Torque convertor bolts are on. Couldn't get them with the torque wrench, so Loctite and and a box wrench will have to do. Shifter linkange and speedometer cable are also in.

Soccer tomorrow night, but Saturday, I should have this thing running.

Monday, September 04, 2006

And here are the biggest pains in my ass, the headers. Getting the manifolds out was hard. Getting these bastards in was worse. Those bolts are very hard to get on with a wrench. Damn primaries are in the way.

And here's the outlet. Went from 2" to a 4" oval. This will be mating with a 4" oval inlet catalytic convertor from a Grand National, exiting in a 2.5" circle which I'll have to made with the stock 2.25" exhaust. I'm hoping there's a enough space I can get a reducer and some clamps in.
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Here's the newer four speed installed, with my snazzy freshly painted crossmember clearly visible.

Thanks to Brent for the hand getting the transmission in. I'm a big pussy. Lifting a 120lb transmission into a car is not something I can do by myself. Posted by Picasa


Well, here's the old TH350, out of the car and on the ground. This transmission was fucked. Tailshaft was flopping around quite a bit more than it should have been Posted by Picasa

Saturday, September 02, 2006


Well, as you can see, some more work done. Only took me a week of soaking the bolts on the exhaust manifolds before they'd come off easily. Then an hour of twisting them around to get them out of the engine compartment.

Above them, you can see the Edelbrock TES headers. I've had these laying around for years. I also cut the cat off, it was destroyed internally. Matrix had completely broken down. I'm starting to doubt the milage on this vehicle. Posted by Picasa