Saturday, February 24, 2007

Done, sort of, again

Okay, got up this morning, and got the brakes together rather quickly. No big problems.

Then came putting the gas tank in. Well, not so much fun. The new tank was just a smidge larger than the old tank, and the straps didn't fit around it. After FOUR HOURS of laying on my back, bench pressing the tank up, lodging my knee on it to keep it there, and fumbling around, I managed to get the bolts run in.

I hate gas tanks.

I then put the gas in it, and drove to the Carl Casper Custom Auto Show. Of course, it had started raining, hard. The car spins the tires at will in the wet. Yippee.

On the way back from the show, I was driving down Preston, and scared the crap out of myself. I was driving past a known speed trap, looked down, and saw the speedometer reading over 55 miles per hour. I was in a 35... but not passing anybody. D'oh. Speedometer is off. I was prepared for it to be off, but not by this much.

After getting home and crunching the numbers, the speedometer should be reading about 44% FASTER than I'm really going. I've ordered a new speedometer gear. Until it arrives and I can put it in, I'll be taping this into the car:

Gear Speed RPM Indicated
3 25 1206 36
3 35 1689 50
3 45 2171 65
4 45 1455 65
4 55 1778 79
4 65 2101

4 70 2263

Yes, a cheat sheet showing the gear I'll be in, the actual speed, the engine RPM, and the indicated speed. As you can see, simply poking about on the expressway at 65 is going to have the speedometer pegged to the pin (it only goes to 85, indicated speed at 65 would be 93).

Should be a blast.

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