Monday, August 28, 2006

So, I didn't drop a transmission on myself today, which was nice.

Here it is in the air, in my slightly messy garage.

This is a nice shot of the diff cover. Cleaned off, degreased, and painted gloss black. Much like polishing a turd, but oh well. Waiting for the RTV to dry overnight and then we'll fill it up with fresh gear oil.

I had to remove the fan and shroud to get to the crank pulley bolt, so I snapped a picture of the nifty new aluminium radiator. Apparently, Autozone won't even sell you a copper/brass radiator anymore. They're all Chinese aluminium cores with plastic tanks. It gets the job done. We'll see how long it lasts.

And lastly, I cleaned up the 200-4R crossmember. I almost managed to get the pan off the TH350 and drain it, got the kickdown cable undone, and got three of the five bolts holding the crossmember in off. Two more of those, undo the shifter linkage, undo the bellhousing bolts, and I should have the TH350 out. Posted by Picasa

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