Progress over the past few weeks. I've gathered all the pieces for the fuel system. I gave up on trying to mish-mash up stock pieces, and just went straight -6 AN all the way through.
The first pictures is a feed line to go from the inlet on the fuel rail to the fuel filter.
The second is a nice shot of the front of the engine, you can see my supply and return lines hooked up to the rail. I'm reusing the stock vapor return line as a fuel return. It's a 5/16" steel tube, so it should work for a return.

What's left? My mental list is getting shorter all the time. I need to put the gas tank back in the car and hook it up. I need a working electric fan for the radiator. I need to find or borrow a fuel pressure gauge so I can set the rail pressure. I also need to splice a tee into the lower radiator hose for the return from the heater core. Then its tighten everything down, put some gas in it, and see if it'll start. Maybe sometime this week? If I'm lucky...
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