Lookie here. A live screen from Megatunix, the Unix based Megasquirt software. The computer is alive and works. It's reading live data from the MAP, coolant, and air temp sensors.
I travelled to a junk yard this morning and grabbed an electric fan... which didn't work when I got home. I did get a fuel block-off plate, and the fan looks in good condition, I may be able to fix it.
I then spent the afternoon getting the upper plenum and throttle body instealled, and then wiring up the injectors, coolant sensor, and intake air sensor. I also soldered power and ground leads to the relay board and ran the cable into the passenger compartment to hook up the Megasquirt. I'm very happy to report that it'll easily fit in the passenger footwell compartment vacated by the factory computer.
Anyway, off to the S.O.'s for some much needed grub.
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