However, recently I got out of the stuck mode (really, I wasn't stuck, been working on more important things). A couple of weeks ago, I ventured out and straightened up the garage. The result of that, you can see here.
Today, I started sanding and priming the two new doors for The Bucket. One door is pretty much done on the outside. The other, I just ran out of Saturday. If it doesn't rain tomorrow, I should be able to get the second door post-prime sanded. At that point, I'll need to flip them both over and clean/scuff/prime the jams and the inside surface. At that point, they'll be ready for a seal coat.
Once the seal coat goes on, I can pull The Bucket into the garage, take the old doors off, clean up and prime the doorjams on the car, and finally hang these new doors. Then begins the hopefully not-long process of fixing a few bits of body rust and then prepping the rest of The Bucket for paint.
I also picked up another 200-4R transmission today. I'm going to buy a rebuild kit, and rebuild it myself. If I don't screw it up, it'll make a great spare for the Grand National, or I'll swap it into The Bucket, hopefully with correct speedometer gears.
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