However, it was productive. I found the loose rocker arm that was ticking. I found out what was shifting in the front (brake pad was missing a shim, found said shim on the floor), and installed my TCI Torque Convertor Lockup Kit.
Only thing stopping me from filling the transmission and starting the car was a vacuum line, or rather my lack of one. I need about five feet of 3/16" vacuum line to run from the carb down to a vacuum switch that clicks off the TCC when you mash the gas.
I also need to find a switched 12V lead under the hood to run to the transmission, and splice a second line into the brake switch. This picture is the valvebody on the transmission after installing the TCI kit. I know I said no more camera phone pictures, but I didn't have the good camera on me, so you're going to have to live with it.
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