Friday, April 13, 2007


So, I finally found my camera. Here's the rust repair pictures I promised. The first is, obviously, a big nasty rust spot. Second is the hole I cut out, and the third is the patched hole.

On top of this, I finally got my second new speedometer gear in. Speedometer went from reading 25% high to 20% high. An improvement, but not good enough. Unfortunately, I'm all used up on available driven gears. I'm going to have to change the drive gear inside the transmission, which is going to be a royal pain in the ass.

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Sunday, April 08, 2007

Carpet is in

I got the new carpet in. As expected from a $79 J.C. Whitney replacement carpet, it didn't quite fit perfectly. However, it fit well enough. It made all the difference in the world. The interior of the car no longer looks old and junky. It still looks old, but not as junky.

I also removed most of the stains the seats with GooGone while I had them out. The new seats didn't go in. I still need to make some adapter brackets, but I needed to get car back on the road. Maybe when the weather warms up.

I also took a moment this weekend to put new pilot jets and pilot adjustments screws into the carbs on the 240Z. I think I've eliminated a pesky carb backfire. We shall see on Sunday.

And... Happy Easter.

Monday, April 02, 2007

Rust rust rust...

So, I set out early Sunday morning to replace the carpet and seats in the GP. Got the seats out, pulled the carpet easily enough, and there it was. Rust. A spot, about a foot back from the front of driver side door opening. Stuck my finger right through it.

Thirty minutes later, I had cut out a 5"x6" section with the grinder. Bolted the driver seat back in, and headed over to my Dad's to use his welder. An hour after that, the floor was patched. I headed home. I have pictures, I'll have to upload them tonight.

Pulled the seat back out, went to mock up the new Camaro seats in. And... they don't fit. 1" too narrow. I have some very generous friends, though. They think they can get me some leftover 1/8" plate I can cut into adapters. Until then, I'm driving the truck, though I may get out the Z tonight.